Sunday, April 29, 2012

Braum's Night!

Every once in awhile my dad would come through the family room and say, "Load up! It's Braums' night!"  Jack and I would run to the car and hop in.  He never left without us, but he said he would if we didn't hurry.  We'd go to Braums' and get some ice cream and eat it on the way home.  My mom still tries to do that at the end of the month (that's when she gets paid).  I imagine my daddy is there with us.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My Daddy!

That's my dad on the left.  Uncle Mike is on the right.  They had been friends since the second grade.  Uncle Mike was there when daddy died.  I don't really remember my dad like that because he got sick when I was two.  But boy was he handsome!!!

My Daddy Who Had Cancer

One night my Daddy came home from the hospital.  He was so tired he couldn't get up.  I went to go sleep over at my friend's house.  It was December.  I called my mom because I wanted to go home, but she took me to my Nanna's house instead.  I asked, "What is going on?"  My mom said that Daddy had to go back to the hospital.  I was devastated. It was snowing.  My Daddy had to stay in the hospital until April.  The doctor said he could come home for Easter.  But Daddy had to go back to the hospital.  We went to go visit him the next day.  The Easter Bunny brought us gifts at the hospital!  I got a new bathing suit and stuffed animal duck, and some new pony tail holders, plus two headbands.  It was April 4, 2010 and three days later my daddy died.  I was so sad.  I didn't go to school for half a week.  The school counselor came to our house on the Tuesday after his funeral and gave me letters from my classmates.  When I went back everyone asked me why I was gone.  I said, "My dad died."  They were really sorry.  That's a memory of my Daddy.

The End.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Loving to Walk

I remember when me and my daddy used to take walks around the neighborhood.  We would stop by a Magnolia tree and we had a competition of who could reach the highest.  Daddy was taller and I was shorter.  But when it was convenient I always won! My daddy would pick me up so I could reach the highest. It was so much fun that after I won we were all tired.  When we came home we were so tired that Daddy had to lay down in his bed for a long, long time.  Daddy had to do that because his feet hurt and we didn't know he had cancer.  After Daddy took a long, long rest we did it again!  It was so much fun!